consciousness意识理论状态 | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-08 145 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
超个人心理学研究的理论核心是意识理论,但它不同于西方传统的意识理论,而是一种包括意识和潜意识、有高低层次的分层意识理论。概括地说,人的意识可以分为常态意识和变态意识。前者是低层次的、分化的意识状态,而后者是高级的、超然的意识状态。塔尔特将其定义为“个体明显感觉到自己的心理机能模式发生了质变,即心理活动不仅感觉到量变,而且感觉到质的不同”。 .克里普纳具体划分了20种不同的意识状态,其中前19种是转化的意识状态,最后一种是正常的清醒意识。

(The theoretical core of transpersonal psychology research is the theory of consciousness, but it is different from the traditional Western theory of consciousness, but a layered theory of consciousness including consciousness and subconsciousness, with high and low levels. In a nutshell, human consciousness can be divided into normal consciousness and abnormal consciousness. The former is a low-level, differentiated state of consciousness, while the latter is a high-level, transcendent state of consciousness. Tarter defined it as "individuals clearly feel that their mental function patterns have undergone qualitative changes, that is, mental activities not only feel quantitative changes, but also qualitative differences." Kripner specifically divides 20 different states of consciousness, of which the first 19 are transformed states of consciousness and the last is normal waking consciousness.)


