springSpringApplicatiotheapplication | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-08 187 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
SpringApplication是springboot驱动spring应用上下文的引导类。它的 run() 方法启动 Spring 应用程序,实质上是为 Spring 应用程序创建和初始化 Spring 上下文。课程内容以自动装配为主。通过对SpringApplication的介绍和手工组装,不断对案例进行深化、总结、测试,并将各种实用技术融入到课程中。讲师用自己丰富的经验对技术进行了很好的讲解,学生可以在课程中举一反三,加深学习。

(SpringApplication is the boot class that springboot drives the spring application context. Its run() method starts the Spring application, essentially creating and initializing a Spring context for the Spring application. The content of the course is mainly about automatic assembly. Through the introduction and manual assembly of SpringApplication, the case is continuously deepened, summarized, tested, and various practical technologies are integrated into the course. The lecturer used his rich experience to explain the technology very well, and students can draw inferences from one instance in the course to deepen their learning.)


