项目JavaScriptprojectthe | 编程教程 2023-03-08 165 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
商游是一个综合应用HTML、CSS、JavaScript技术的商城项目。适合刚接触前端的初学者打好基础,积累项目经验。该项目具有很强的实用性。不仅对前端基础知识进行了梳理和整合,也为以后更多主流技术的实际应用提供了练兵场。项目技术栈包括:HTML页面结构定义、CSS样式属性定义、Mixer in Less创建和使用规则、嵌套语法、父类引用等,以及循环、分支、函数、DOM、BOM、数组在 JavaScript 、对象等中

(Shangyou is a mall project that comprehensively applies HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies. It is suitable for beginners who are new to the front end to lay a solid foundation and accumulate project experience. The project has a strong practicality. It not only sorts out and integrates the front-end basic knowledge, but also provides a training ground for the practical application of more mainstream technologies in the future. The project technology stack includes: HTML page structure definition, CSS style attribute definition, Mixer in Less creation and usage rules, nested syntax, parent class reference, etc., as well as loops, branches, functions, DOM, BOM, arrays in JavaScript, objects, etc.)


