没有experience经验创业 | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-08 165 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
您是否面临这些问题: 1. 受限于年龄和知识,没有创业经验,想做却不知道怎么做; 2、不了解潜在客户,不知道客户需要什么; 3、很难判断项目的好坏,更谈不上如何定位项目; 4.没有团队管理经验,虽然组织了一帮小怪,但只能一个人做; 5、没有个人魅力,遇事容易慌张,自我情绪控制能力有待加强 6、没有营销实践经验,对营销了解甚少;那么你应该很快学会这套教程

(Do you face these problems: 1. Restricted by age and knowledge, no entrepreneurial experience, want to do it but don’t know how to do it; 2. Don’t know potential customers, don’t know what customers need; 3. It’s hard to judge whether a project is good or bad, Not to mention how to position the project; 4. No team management experience, although a group of mobs have been organized, but only one person can do it; 5. No personal charm, easy to panic when things happen, and self-emotional control ability needs to be strengthened 6. No Practical experience in marketing, little understanding of marketing; then you should learn this set of tutorials quickly.)


