其它视频/教程 2023-03-08 145 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
有的人谈恋爱,有的人晚上看海,还有的人LeetCode第一题解不出来。做题路漫漫其修远兮,LeetCode是一道不可逾越的坎,很多人第一道题就卡住了——不是因为不会写题,而是不知道怎么写写正确通过。 LeetCode的编程思想,通俗地说就是在服务器端输入数据,通过写好的方法(在C语言中是函数)的处理,返回相应的输出值。程序员要做的就是写一个方法/函数来处理题目的要求。

(Some people fall in love, some people drive to see the sea at night, and some people can't solve the first problem of LeetCode. There is a long way to go to do the questions, and LeetCode is an insurmountable hurdle. Many people get stuck on the first question—not because they don’t know how to write the questions, but because they don’t know how to write and pass them correctly. LeetCode's programming idea, in layman's terms, is to input data on the server side, and return the corresponding output value through the processing of the written method (function in C language). All the programmer has to do is write a method/function to handle the requirements of the topic.)


