流量content内容traffic | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-07 197 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课程将帮助您系统地解决它。有2个核心痛点。 1.内容没有流量 2.账号不涨。很多人会告诉你,抖音是一个内容平台,一定要做出好的内容,但很少有人告诉你要发布内容。之后,账号和流量也需要细化。适合购买过其他大V的课程,但还是无法做出精准流量的创作者。

(This course will help you tackle it systematically. There are 2 core pain points. 1. The content has no traffic 2. The account number does not increase. Many people will tell you that Douyin is a content platform, and you must make good content, but few people tell you to publish content. After that, the account number and traffic also need to be refined. It is suitable for creators who have purchased courses from other big Vs, but still cannot make accurate traffic.)



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