其它视频/教程 2023-03-06 231 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在这股时代的大浪潮里,既有大品牌也有小商家,有薇娅、李佳琦、罗永浩、辛巴这样的带货达人,也有祝晓晗等机构孵化的网红主播,还有刘涛、陈赫、胡海泉等纷纷入局的明星。受全球疫情影响,很多企业订单下滑,业绩遭遇滑铁卢。 但是,直播电商却乘势而上,今年销售总额,即将突破一万亿。非常多的小商家、店主、销售、老板娘……加入直播大军,这局面已经达到全民直播的高潮。

(In this big wave of the times, there are both big brands and small merchants, such as Wei Ya, Li Jiaqi, Luo Yonghao, and Simba, there are also online celebrity anchors incubated by organizations such as Zhu Xiaohan, as well as Liu Tao, Chen He, etc. , Hu Haiquan and other stars who have entered the game one after another. Affected by the global epidemic, many companies' orders have declined, and their performance has suffered from Waterloo. However, live broadcast e-commerce is riding on the momentum, and the total sales this year will soon exceed one trillion yuan. A lot of small businesses, shopkeepers, salesmen, proprietresses... have joined the live broadcast army, and this situation has reached the climax of the nationwide live broadcast.)


