封神基础MotionAward小林 | 其它视频/教程 2023-03-03 135 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
C4D修神篇:从零基础到3D封神,Global MotionAward评委,MOMENTOR创始人曾小林携手易虎网主编谭天。行业名师帮你打好基础,拒绝纸上谈兵。避免刚开始就进入土壤。整套课程用时16小时,分析5个具体案例,让你轻松上手C4D,省时省力。

(C4D Cultivation of the Gods: From zero foundation to 3D gods, Global MotionAward judge, Zeng Xiaolin, founder of MOMENTOR, joined hands with Tan Tian, ??editor-in-chief of Yihu.com. Famous teachers in the industry will help you lay a good foundation and refuse to talk about it on paper. Avoid getting into the soil at first. The whole set of courses takes 16 hours and analyzes 5 specific cases, allowing you to easily get started with C4D, saving time and effort.)


