(This set of project practice courses has a very high gold content. Adopt the most mainstream microservice distributed architecture and front-end separation technology, covering technology stack: Vue, axios, Springboot, RESTful, mybatis, tkmapper, Swagger, task scheduling Quartz/Elastic-Job, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Linux, Nginx load balancing, Reverse proxy, CDN, containerization technology Docker, distributed cache Redis, distributed Session, cache avalanche, cache penetration, distributed lock (Redis implementation), distributed Elasticsearch, distributed message queue RabbitMQ, MySQL master-slave replication, Distributed database middleware Mycat/Sharding-jdbc, distributed transaction Seata, distributed global ID, interface idempotent, SpringCloud's Eureka service governance, SpringCloud's Ribbon and Feign, SpringCloud's Hystrix and Config, SpringCloud's ZUUL (Gateway) and Sleuth link tracking technology, mastering this set of courses, you will have practical experience in tens of millions of e-commerce projects.)