thequestions逻辑题型 | 其它视频/教程 2023-02-26 130 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课将系统地为您介绍逻辑题的特点和评分要素,然后通过不同题型的例题讲解,全方位向您展示逻辑题的构成和解题思路。 7大题型全面覆盖逻辑题重要知识点,为你理清知识脉络,把握出题方向,助你轻松考前抢分!

(This course will systematically introduce you to the characteristics and scoring elements of logic questions, and then explain to you the composition and solution ideas of logic questions in an all-round way through the explanation of different question types. The 7 major question types fully cover the important knowledge points of the logic questions, clarify the knowledge context for you, grasp the direction of the questions, and help you easily grab points before the exam!)


