其它视频/教程 2023-02-26 153 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
公务员考试面试压力很大。竞争激烈,各行各业精英争锋,20分钟面试,机会稍纵即逝,没有代理工作经验,却要“巧遇考官”考官选择考生的依据是什么?面试评分标准是什么? ?结构化面试要注意什么?面试时无话可说怎么办?整个攻略视频课程一一给你解答。

(Civil service exam interviews are stressful. Competition is fierce, elites from all walks of life compete for the top, 20-minute interviews, opportunities are fleeting, no agency work experience, but "meet the examiner by chance", what is the basis for the examiner to select candidates? What are the interview scoring criteria? ? What should be paid attention to in a structured interview? What should I do if I have nothing to say during the interview? The entire strategy video course will give you answers one by one.)


