其它视频/教程 2023-02-26 158 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在亲密关系中,我们总是面临这样一个问题,那就是爱情的保质期,有人认为是三个月,有人认为是一年、三年,还有人认为就是我们常说的“ ;7年之痒"无论夫妻感情有多深,当七年之痒来临时,热情和爱情都将不复存在,取而代之的只有亲情。时间长了,感情肯定会出现问题。为了保持你之前的热情和新鲜感,课程中整理了一些建议。

(In intimate relationships, we always face such a problem, that is, the shelf life of love. Some people think it is three months, some people think it is one year, three years, and some people think it is what we often call "the 7-year itch & ;quot;No matter how deep the relationship between husband and wife is, when the seven-year itch comes, passion and love will cease to exist, and only family affection will be replaced. After a long time, there will definitely be problems in the relationship. In order to keep your previous enthusiasm and freshness sense, some suggestions have been compiled in the course.)


