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WeChat程序应用The | 编程教程 2023-02-23 138 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
微信小程序是一款无需下载安装即可使用的应用。它实现了“触手可及”的应用程序梦想。用户可以通过扫描或搜索的方式打开应用。也体现了“用完即走”的理念,用户无需关心是否安装了太多应用。微信“小程序”可以为开发者提供基于微信的表单、导航、地图、媒体、位置等开发组件,让开发者在微信网页中构建HTML 5应用。同时,微信还开放了登录、微信支付等接口,让这款“小程序”更上一层楼。可与用户微信账号关联。微信定义“小程序”作为“一种新的应用程序”。微信强调小程序、订阅号、服务号、企业号目前是平行系统。

(The WeChat Mini Program is an application that can be used without downloading and installing. It fulfills the dream of "at your fingertips" apps. Users can open the app by scanning or searching. It also embodies the concept of "go away after use", and users do not need to care whether too many applications are installed. WeChat "mini programs" can provide developers with WeChat-based development components such as forms, navigation, maps, media, and locations, allowing developers to build HTML 5 applications on WeChat web pages. At the same time, WeChat has also opened interfaces such as login and WeChat payment, making this "small program" a higher level. It can be associated with the user's WeChat account. WeChat defines "mini programs" as "a new kind of application". WeChat emphasizes that small programs, subscription accounts, service accounts, and enterprise accounts are currently parallel systems.)



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