作业homework孩子家长 | 其它视频/教程 2023-02-17 155 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课程主要针对小学生家长最头疼的作业问题。几乎可以说是一本家长了解孩子写作业心态,陪伴孩子建立良好的写作业习惯和方法的书集,让家长理性、平和、熟练地陪伴和支持孩子。 39的学习,每天的作业时间里不会再有风雨飘摇的家庭大战!

(This course is mainly aimed at the most troublesome homework problems for parents of elementary school students. It can almost be said that it is a collection of books for parents to understand their children's homework mentality and accompany their children to establish good homework habits and methods, so that parents can accompany and support their children rationally, peacefully and skillfully. 39 years of study, there will be no more precarious family wars in the daily homework time!)


