LinearLayout顺序布局可以 | android开发 2022-06-07 119 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
LinearLayout 也称为线性布局。基本上,它们中的许多都是使用 LinearLayout 布局实现的。顾名思义,这种布局将其包含的控件以线性顺序排列,可以是垂直的也可以是水平的。可以自己控制,但是要注意按顺序,也就是按顺序。

(LinearLayout is also called linear layout. Basically, many of them are implemented using LinearLayout layouts. As the name suggests, this layout arranges the controls it contains in a linear order, which can be vertical or horizontal. You can control by yourself, but you should pay attention to the order, that is, in order.)

