Pythontheand爬虫 | 编程教程 2023-02-12 153 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品


要根据实际业务想到相应的语法,实际的项目和应用才是最重要的。基本的 Python 3 语法知识,

包括列表、元组、字符串、字典和各种语句。目前的python使用的是Python 3.7,爬虫引入

除了流行的 Request 模块,正则表达式和 Scrapy 爬虫框架在实际开发中被广泛使用。

《零基础学Python第二版》上半部分首先讲解基本的Python 3语法知识,


包括抽象、异常、魔术方法和属性迭代器。下半部分围绕 Python 3 进行爬虫和界面开发


(Through self-study programming, I feel that basic knowledge is very important, and I can find more of this in the future. Memorization is not enough.

It is also necessary to use it flexibly and debug the code more. Computer is a job that is constantly practicing, constantly encountering problems, and constantly solving problems.

To think of the corresponding grammar according to the actual business, the actual project and application are the most important. Basic knowledge of Python 3 syntax,

Includes lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, and various statements. The current python uses Python 3.7, and the crawler introduces

In addition to the popular Request module, regular expressions and the Scrapy crawler framework are widely used in actual development.

The first half of "Zero-Basic Learning Python Second Edition" first explains the basic Python 3 grammar knowledge,

Including lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries and various statements; then gradually introduce some more advanced topics,

Includes abstractions, exceptions, magic methods, and property iterators. The second half revolves around Python 3 for crawler and interface development

As for the application of game development, in-depth learning and exploration are carried out through the guidance of examples, which is both interesting and exercises hands-on ability.)


