PHP编程 2023-02-10 120 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
最近一直想做一个导航网。这几天一直在网上找源代码,一直不满,鄙视。 . .


并且还附带了收录申请,满足我的所有要求!而且只有1M。 . . .

后台先不废话:/admin 然后在根目录的config.php中配置数据库信息。就是这样!


(Recently, I have been wanting to make a navigation network. I have been looking for source code on the Internet for the past few days, and I have been dissatisfied and despised. . .

Either there is a bug, or it is ****, it is too much trouble, knowing that I have found this set of source code, I feel very easy to use!

And it also comes with an application for inclusion, which meets all my requirements! And only 1M. . . .

No nonsense in the background: /admin Then configure the database information in config.php in the root directory. That's it!

(It is risky not to install) Import the SQL file in the compressed package into the database! database must be imported)


