程序非源代码 2023-02-03 217 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
GoPlay studio Go谷歌安装器下载,这款谷歌安装器是一款方便易用的一键自动谷歌套件谷歌安装器,无需ROOT即可获取谷歌常用服务!一键安装Google Framework、Google Google Services、Google Play Google Store,一键登录Google账户,玩游戏不再闪退,使用Google Market不再纠结。首先支持安卓7.0和7.1的谷歌安装器,检测谷歌网络情况,全面解决谷歌问题。

Go Google Installer v4.8.4 ROOT使用GAPPS安装,原生可用,适配全面的GMS安装器;免ROOT完美适配小米、华为、魅族、OPPO、VIVO、一加、乐视、中兴、联想、酷派、360等众多品牌国产手机,部分兼容三星、金立、MOTO免ROOT。

GoPlay Studio出品,不断适配机型,如发现Google服务和google play无法正常使用,请举报!



(GoPlay studio Go Google installer download, this Google installer is a convenient and easy-to-use one-click automatic Google suite Google installer, you can get Google common services without ROOT! One-click installation of Google Framework, Google Google Services, Google Play Google Store, one-click login to Google account, no more flashbacks when playing games, and no more tangles when using Google Market. First of all, it supports the Google installer of Android 7.0 and 7.1, detects the network situation of Google, and fully solves the problem of Google.

Go Google Installer v4.8.4 ROOT uses GAPPS to install, natively available, adapts to a comprehensive GMS installer; ROOT-free perfectly adapts to Xiaomi, Huawei, Meizu, OPPO, VIVO, OnePlus, LeTV, ZTE, Lenovo, Coolpad, 360, etc. Many brands of domestic mobile phones, some are compatible with Samsung, Gionee, and MOTO without ROOT.

Produced by GoPlay Studio, constantly adapting to models, if you find that Google services and google play are not working properly, please report!


For specific model adaptation information, please pay attention to the adaptation instructions in the installer!)



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