程序非源代码 2023-02-03 203 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
曾经想过不用编程就可以制作 3D 游戏吗?其实这个国外的Manu1.0.2游戏引擎就可以实现。通过这个版本号可以查到这个软件是刚刚发布的,百度搜索不一定能找到!







它适用于桌面平台(Windows 和 MacOS)和移动设备 - 一次只能使用一个。

3. MANU可以制作FPS游戏吗?

我们计划在即将推出的 MANU 版本中为用户提供创建不同游戏类型(包括 FPS)的能力。

4. MANU可以做2D游戏吗?

用于创建 2D 游戏的功能将在 MANU 即将发布的版本中提供。在当前的 Alpha 版本中,我们专注于调整 3D 平台游戏的核心功能。要创建 2D 外观游戏,您可以将相机视图设置为正交。

(Ever wanted to make a 3D game without programming? In fact, this foreign Manu1.0.2 game engine can be realized. Through this version number, you can find that this software has just been released, and Baidu search may not be able to find it!

The Manu game engine claims to be able to create games for computers, Apple, and Android versions. Editor's reminder: the software does not have Chinese, you need to know English to master it faster!

Manu Game Engine Makes 3D Games Without Programming

Official website translation information:

1. Can I replace characters in MANU?

Character replacements, including character animations, will be available in an upcoming update, so stay tuned.

2. Can I export games in MANU?

It works on both desktop platforms (Windows and MacOS) and mobile devices - only use one at a time.

3. Can MANU make FPS games?

We plan to give users the ability to create different game types (including FPS) in an upcoming version of MANU.

4. Can MANU make 2D games?

Functionality for creating 2D games will be available in an upcoming release of MANU. In the current alpha release, we're focusing on tweaking the core functionality of the 3D platformer. To create a 2D looking game, you can set the camera view to be orthographic.)



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