The样式style优化 | CMS系统 2023-01-22 185 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品









(1. The website has added the function of "one-click graying";

     2. The article page of the website adds a reward function;

     3. The bottom of the website is revised to optimize the layout;

     4. The friend link is removed from the secondary page;

     5. Copyright and other places are compatible with dark mode;

     6. The UI revision of the article content page: large titles, increased line spacing; optimized advertising space;

     7. The global style is separated, the UI style and the global style are separated, and it is convenient to modify the style;

     8. Theme code optimization, delete unnecessary code;

     8. Modified the tabs at the top of the category page, showing about 30 tab layouts.)



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