PHP编程 2023-01-20 143 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
3、模板重新美化重构【传送门首页】、【传送门列表页】、【传送门内容页】、【论坛首页】、【黑名单】、【帖子详情页】、【图片瀑布】 、【指南】、【注册登录】等多种页面风格,时尚简洁,小型社区的最佳选择;

(1. The width of the template is 1200 pixels, and there are 8 sets of color schemes built in. Users can freely switch the color style of the website in the background;
2. The template supports the popular third-party QQ/WeChat login, which is perfectly compatible with the "daily check-in" function; insert;
3. Template re-beautification and reconstruction [Portal Homepage], [Portal List Page], [Portal Content Page], [Forum Homepage], [Blacklist], [Post Details Page], [Picture Waterfall], [Guide ], [Registration and Login] and other page styles, stylish and concise, the best choice for small communities;
4. The template page adopts standard WEB2.0 technology, which is perfectly compatible with mainstream browsers such as Google, Firefox, 360, IE6-IE11;
5. All template pages are assembled with DIY modules, which is convenient for webmasters to customize and modify text and pictures easily and conveniently;
6. The post on the home page of the portal is the first post to be displayed in a paged form, which was created by Xinrui Creative;
7. The home page integrates the "Baidu one-click sharing" function; function; it helps website administrators share and promote community content;
8. The template post list can be switched between picture mode and list mode, open the picture mode to form a perfect waterfall page;)



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