PHP编程 2023-01-20 160 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
【商业版用户请注意,本模板为banner设计,请勿打开论坛首页和论坛列表页右侧栏,关闭论坛列表左侧面板导航。请下载说明书查看开合方式。 ]
3.模板中有很多细节。同时对官方模板文件结构和功能位置进行了更优化的设计。无论是在前端界面还是CCS代码优化上,都兼容主流浏览器,ie8-ie10,Google Firefox等。

([Commercial version users please note that this template is designed for banners, please do not open the forum homepage and the right sidebar of the forum list page, and close the left panel navigation of the forum list. Please download the manual to see how to open and close. ]
1. Version support: discuzx version 3.0, discuzx version 3.1, discuzx version 3.2.
2. The template forum home page, list page, content page, and article page data are read by DIY data, which is convenient for novices and veterans to operate and maintain later, stylish and concise. The template adds a lot of animation effects to increase user experience and stickiness.
3. There are many details in the template. At the same time, the official template file structure and function location have been more optimized. Whether it is in the front-end interface or CCS code optimization, it is compatible with mainstream browsers, ie8-ie10, Google Firefox, etc.
4. The template supports a lot of css3, and friends who use Google Firefox and ie9 or above can see good animation effects.)



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