打卡景点attraction程序源码 | PHP编程 2023-01-18 133 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
旅游在线打卡微信小程序源码 景点列表、景点详情、打卡、评论、景点地图、导航等


(Tourism online check-in WeChat applet source code List of attractions, details of attractions, check-in, reviews, maps of attractions, navigation, etc.

The source code of the Wetour travel check-in plaza WeChat applet developed by the cloud, using cloud development technology, built with taro, the main functions are: attraction list, attraction details, check-in record, check-in success, comments, attraction map, attraction navigation, itinerary planning, itinerary route, etc. . Note that it is not compatible with the latest version of taro when building, please use tarov1.3.18, and the background is cloud development and management background.)



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