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Theversion咸鱼版本 | PHP编程 2023-01-13 223 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品




(The background account admin can publish products by themselves and set the selling price of the products. The independent background third-party payment interface can like and comment on the product and purchase products online with custom views, and can realize online payment and support QR code collection! ! !

The non-submerged version on the web,

Note that this version is an old version, with salted fish and transfer functions.

The difference between the old and new versions is that the new version does not have salted fish, but has the function of machine inspection report, while the old version has salted fish, but does not have the function of machine inspection report.)


