添加接口网址自己 | PHP编程 2023-01-10 189 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
只需将其直接上传到您的网站即可。该接口在api.php中,您可以相应地添加和修改。记得在 index.html 中添加单选。里面写了三个短网址接口。需要自己添加,因为有很多 目前免费的短网址接口要么有广告,要么可以后台修改重定向,所以源码里没有添加,自己添加即可自己的判断力。

(Just upload it directly to your website. The interface is in api.php, you can add and modify accordingly. Remember to add radio selection in index.html. There are three short URL interfaces written in it. You need to add it yourself, because there are many free short URL interfaces that either have advertisements or can be modified in the background to redirect, so there is no addition in the source code, and you can add it yourself to judge.)


