网易云音乐 QQ 音乐 酷狗音乐 酷我音乐 虾米音乐 百度音乐 一听音乐 咪咕音乐 荔枝 FM 蜻蜓 FM 喜马拉雅 FM 5sing
(The multi-site music searcher is developed by Mai Cong (GitHub). Since the original author stopped maintaining, the music interface has failed, so now I will share the version I repaired. Currently, it supports searching and listening to music from the following websites:
NetEase Cloud Music QQ Music Kugou Music Kuwo Music Xiami Music Baidu Music Yiting Music Migu Music Lychee FM Dragonfly FM Himalaya FM 5sing
It is recommended to use domestic hosts to build! Because many music websites have geographical restrictions and can only be used in China.)