httpcronphp域名 | PHP编程 2023-01-05 148 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品


访问 http://您的域名/install.php 安装即可

http://您的域名/cron/gqq.php   挂Q文件监控
http://您的域名/cron/pl.php    评论文件监控
http://您的域名/cron/upsid.php 自动更新SID
http://您的域名/cron/vip.php   VIP状态检测
http://您的域名/cron/zt.php    SID状态监测
http://您的域名/cron/shuo.php  自动说说时间
http://您的域名/cron/dz.php    点赞


(【Program description】
This program is modified based on Yaojiang's assistance, and the authorization has been perfectly removed, and all backdoors have been removed. Streamline the size of the source code.

This version does not need to authorize the domain name, and comes with a self-service activation code function

Visit http://your domain name/install.php to install

【Monitoring instructions】
http://your domain name/cron/gqq.php hang Q file monitoring
http://your domain name/cron/pl.php comment file monitoring
http://your domain name/cron/upsid.php Automatically update SID
http://your domain name/cron/vip.php VIP status detection
http://your domain name/cron/zt.php SID status monitoring
http://your domain name/cron/shuo.php Automatically tell the time
http://your domain name/cron/dz.php like

【Release Notes】
1. Fix the page turning problem of the invitation code platform
2. Repair the reason why the automatic talk about failure
3. Fix the bug that the second review function cannot be used)


上一篇:PHP网站克隆系统 v1.0