

源码大小:6.29 MB

运行环境:PHP | MYSQL


(Baidu cloud storage attachment pass + Baidu network disk attachment pass + Qiniu cloud storage attachment pass and other plug-in downloads

Source code type: discuz plug-in

Source code size: 6.29 MB

Operating environment: PHP | MYSQL

Baidu Cloud Storage Attachment Link allows you to upload portals, forum attachments, pictures, photo albums, etc. to Baidu Cloud Storage. This plug-in is seamlessly integrated with Discuz, replacing the functions of Discuz forum attachment upload, photo album upload, space image upload, etc., and almost fully supports the original All functions of the accessories. Use Baidu Cloud Storage Attachment Link to separate attachments from code files to greatly reduce the space required by local forums and reduce the cost of purchasing space. At present, Baidu cloud storage is free to use during the public beta period.)



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