PHP编程 2022-12-27 162 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
源码上传后,访问域名进行安装安装。主机将无法连接到数据库。可以手动安装,将s9608492.sql文件导入数据库,手动配置include/config.php。后台账号:admin 密码:woshizhu

Information Probe是基于Layui开发的专业查询好友个人信息的程序。
生成页面链接 当朋友点击时,会出现朋友的ip位置信息,手机型号,ua头,浏览器等信息。 GPS需要注册为百度地图开发商才能使用。

(After the source code is uploaded, visit the domain name to install it. The host will not be able to connect to the database. You can manually install, import the s9608492.sql file into the database, and manually configure include/config.php. Background account: admin Password: woshizhu

Source code introduction:
Information Probe is a professional program for querying personal information of friends developed based on Layui.
Customize the detection page, detection function, QQ sharing, notification mailbox and other functions.
Generate page link When a friend clicks, the friend's ip location information, mobile phone model, ua header, browser and other information will appear. GPS needs to be registered as a Baidu map developer before it can be used.)



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