二维码thePHP生成 | PHP编程 2022-12-26 173 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
QRcdr 是一个用 PHP 编写的开源免费在线二维码生成系统。只需点击几下即可生成您的个人二维码、上传您的徽标或水印、选择自定义颜色、生成多种类型、选择图案并下载最终二维码图像,可用格式:.png、.svg 图片



翻译: 下载本文源码包,已经本地化。也可以在translations下新建一个php文件,复制en.php的内容,翻译成你想要的语言。默认语言在 config.php 中设置。

(Source code introduction:
QRcdr is an open source free online QR code generation system written in PHP. Generate your personal QR code in just a few clicks, upload your logo or watermark, choose custom colors, generate multiple types, choose a pattern and download the final QR code image, available formats: .png, .svg picture

Instructions for use:
Installation: download, unzip, upload. You need to modify the website name and other settings in config.php in the root directory.

Purpose: Modify the two files under the template to control the content of the header and footer respectively.

Translation: Download the source code package of this article, which has been localized. You can also create a new php file under translations, copy the content of en.php, and translate it into the language you want. The default language is set in config.php.)



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