The分发上传upload | PHP编程 2022-12-23 193 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
支持七牛、又拍云、阿里云OSS、本地等多种文件存储方式,你不需要担心服务器空间、带宽不足的问题(其中七牛、又拍云每月都有很大的免费额度) 分发步骤简单 选择文件后上传自动开始,无需后续操作,自动创建plist,生成分发页面 界面友好 Material风格 安全性高 完善的后台,方便管理 多用户系统 还可支持更多类型文件服务,搭建外链服务

为网站配置SSL证书(具体教程可以百度,也有许多免费的SSL证书资源),日常访问网站无需使用https访问,但配置SSL证书是必须的,否则无法分发, 上传程序到网站根目录,访问网站首页,自动跳转至安装程序, 填写相关信息并安装

每个应用分发前,请先在前台或后台添加IPA信息。 其中“包名”要和上传时的文件名保持一致。每个应用只需添加一个IPA信息即可。 在后台-上传设置-上传方案中可以配置上传限制和文件存储方式。

(Support Qiniu, Youpaiyun, Aliyun OSS, local and other file storage methods, you don't need to worry about insufficient server space and bandwidth (Qiniu and Youpaiyun have a large free quota every month) Distribution The steps are simple. After selecting the file, the upload will start automatically. No follow-up operation is required. The plist will be created automatically and the distribution page will be generated.

installation steps:
Configure an SSL certificate for the website (specific tutorials can be found on Baidu, and there are many free SSL certificate resources). It is not necessary to use https to access the website daily, but it is necessary to configure the SSL certificate, otherwise it cannot be distributed. Upload the program to the root directory of the website and visit the homepage of the website , automatically jump to the installation program, fill in the relevant information and install

Instructions for use:
Before distributing each application, please add IPA information in the foreground or background. The "package name" should be consistent with the uploaded file name. Each application only needs to add an IPA information. You can configure the upload limit and file storage method in the background-upload settings-upload plan.)


