安卓The局域网resources | android开发 2022-12-19 201 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
安卓源码-- 1、资源来自官方。截止我上传是最新的。支持安卓系统2、亲测2015年的时候,就可以很好的在局域网中,让一台电脑的360安全浏览器什么都看不到,甚至可以只让他看到指定的页面。这个电脑但是打开了360全面防护的。3、仅供学习实验测试。请不要损伤和你一个局域网的用户,友爱为先。4、个人推荐资源。仅代表个人看法。

(Android source code-- 1. The resources come from the official. As of my upload is the latest. Support Android system 2. When I tested it in 2015, it can be very good in the local area network, so that the 360 ??security browser of a computer can't see anything, and even let him only see the specified page. This computer has 360 comprehensive protection turned on. 3. It is only for learning experiment test. Please don't hurt the users of the same LAN as you, friendship comes first. 4. Personal recommended resources. Only represent personal opinion.)


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