microblogthe加载ViewWeiBoActivit | android开发 2022-05-26 111 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
        7. 点击“加载更多”;动态加载微博

(Source code introduction
This version has made the following improvements on the basis of Hekou students:
1. Switch to oauth2.0 certification
2. New interface
3. Customize the jsonadapter, directly parse the server JSON and fill in the listview
4. Add viewweiboactivity to view microblog information
5. Read the pictures in the microblog content and forward the pictures in the microblog.
6. Use asynctask instead of handler to load microblog information asynchronously
7. Click "load more"; Dynamically load microblog
8. Click refresh to get the latest microblog
9. Use all services and perform tasks in the background)


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下一篇:Android 文件断点续传源码