语音讯飞FOCTTSoffline | android开发 2022-05-22 181 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

1. 免费:
一,它是免费的。只有语音设置界面才有admob广告。 (目前正在开发中)。



   讯飞发音需要互联网连接。 Foctts 不需要互联网连接即可发音。对于那些视流量为生命的屌丝级用户来说,不得不说,线下才是至强的选择。

   科大讯飞语音api复杂,嵌入时间长,浪费脑力。 FOCtts 可以在 5 分钟内完成。如果你是高手,估计2分钟就能搞定。

(Android Chinese offline pronunciation engine focts source code
Free offline Chinese TTS, foctts for short, free offline Chinese TTS!
What is TTS? It is estimated that all programmers know that it is text to voice!
If you randomly estimate this TTS, you will know that it is worth at least 100000 yuan! Developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it can now be used by individuals for free.
The TTS has been successfully embedded in Douding reading, Android voice reader and other products.
1. Free:
1、 It's free. Only the voice setting interface has AdMob advertisements. (currently under development).
Second, a one-time charge. At present, a package is bound with a key, and each key needs to pay 500 yuan. For permanent use, a program costs 500 yuan, and the jar package has no advertisement.
2. Offline: the voice function does not need to be connected to the Internet, and the voice data packet is also offline.
3. Chinese: pronunciation standard, up to 4.5!
Differences from iFLYTEK and other TTS libraries:
IFLYTEK is bound to APK, and its APK needs to be installed before calling its API.
Foctts is a jar package, which directly embeds the code into the program and provides So file, voice data, API provided by jar package and written voice setting interface.
IFLYTEK pronunciation requires an Internet connection. Focts does not require an Internet connection to pronounce. For those loser users who regard traffic as their life, it has to be said that offline is the strongest choice.
IFLYTEK's voice API is complex, takes a long time to embed and wastes brain power. Foctts can be completed in 5 minutes. If you are a master, you can do it in 2 minutes.)


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