android开发 2022-05-22 101 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
1. 功能说明 这是我和小伙伴们每天在学校为了吃什么而苦苦挣扎完成的demo。这个想法的最初来源是俱乐部里的其他朋友。

二 文件说明

DBAdapter.java - 数据库工具类
Food.java - 食品类及其属性(id 和内容)
MainActivity.java - 数据库增删活动
MyApplication.java - 用于整体退出的工具类,聚合了所有Acitivity
ShakActivity.java - 摇动活动
ShakeListener.java - 一个实现 SensorEventListener 接口的摇动工具类


TextView 接受用户添加后自动清空;
ListView 添加的最新数据在视野内自动可见(设置 android:stackFromBottom="true";


(Android application source code combined with database shaking example
1. Function description this is a demo of what my friends and I struggle to eat at school every day. The original source of this idea was other friends in the club.
What you can do now is to input and delete various food choices, and then shake one of them as a choice.
The demo mainly includes two functions: the addition, deletion, modification and query of the database and the implementation of shaking (most of the core code comes from EOE, thank you)
II. Document description
DBAdapter. Java - database tool class
Food. Java - food class and its attributes (ID and content)
MainActivity. Java - database addition and deletion activities
MyApplication. Java - a tool class for overall exit, which aggregates all acitivities
ShakActivity. Java - shake activity
ShakeListener. Java - a shaking tool class that implements the sensoreventlistener interface
Three main interfaces
One add and delete data (long press list to delete)
Four sharing and questions
Sharing: details bring users a good experience. For example:
Textview will be automatically cleared after being added by the user;
The latest data added by listview is automatically visible in the field of view (set Android: stackfrombottom = & quot; true & quot;;
Unresolved issues:
The menu arrangement is now always vertical;
When the data in the table is empty, there is a bug in the shake function.)

