卡拉支付Square刷卡器 | 软件工程 2022-05-18 259 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

做支付的人都知道 Square,这是一家很棒的支付公司,成立于 2009 年,几天前估值 50 亿美元。手机刷卡从 Square 开始。虽然国内对支付行业有很多限制,但还是有很多“方”的。有中G特色的,比如早期的音乐刷和盒子支付,包括我们的读卡器产品,后来的拉卡拉、银联等。这里不讨论他的商业模式,我们来分析一下读卡器和手机是如何实现数据通信的。

(Everyone who makes payments knows square. It is a great payment company. It was founded in 2009 and valued at $5 billion a few days ago. Mobile card swiping starts from square. Although there are many restrictions on the payment industry in China, there are still many "parties". With Chinese characteristics, such as the early music brush and box payment, including our card reader products, later lakala, UnionPay, etc. Instead of discussing his business model here, let's analyze how the card reader and mobile phone realize data communication.)

