好多播放器音乐have | 软件工程 2022-05-17 246 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
GL音乐播放器1.0.0版-- 总结帖.pdf

(GL music player version 1.0.0 - Summary post pdf
I wrote this player on the basis of looking at other people's codes. Although many places have been improved and many functions I want have been added, there are still many functions that have not been realized, such as lyrics display, online download of singer photos, management playlist, feedback module, etc... But after all, it's not an app I made from scratch. I always feel something less... However, for beginners like me, I really learned a lot from his code that I can't learn from books and videos. Practice is the best way to learn computer. In addition, let's talk about my recent arrangement. I will continue to update this music player when I have a chance. I will solve all the above problems and design my own UI interface. Please look forward to GL music 2.0.0 with me! Ha ha~)

