震动publicmillisecondshasVibrator | 软件工程 2022-05-17 265 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
intrepeat为重复震动的次数,如果为0则为持续循环,如果为-1则不重复震动。publicvoid vibrate(long milliseconds)
public voidcancel()取消一个震动操作。
public boolean hasVibrator()

(Intrepeat is the number of repeated vibrations. If it is 0, it is a continuous cycle. If it is - 1, it does not repeat vibrations. publicvoid vibrate(long milliseconds)
Set on vibration.
Public void cancel() cancels a vibration operation.
public boolean hasVibrator())


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