XYSeriestitleXYMultipleSeries包括 | TCP/IP协议栈 2022-12-09 176 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(XYSeries: The most commonly used data frame, mainly including a series of double type (x, y) point pairs and a title (title). XYValueSeries: includes a series of (x, y, value) pairs and a title (title). XYMultipleSeriesDataset: includes a series of XYSeries, which is the final data frame TimeSeries: similar to XYSeries, x becomes Date type and can be converted into XYSeries. CategorySeries: Similar to XYSeries, x becomes string type and can be converted to XYSeries.)

