android电量the获取 | 技术管理 2022-05-11 461 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Is there any way to get the power of Android phones in real time?
When you start previewing when the camera is low, the picture will be blurred. The solution is to determine the battery level before the camera starts previewing. If the battery is low, the camera preview is disabled. This requires a quick access to the phone's battery power before starting the preview. It's too slow to get the battery value of Android phone through broadcast. Is there any good way to quickly obtain the current battery value of Android phones in real time?
This is to get demo from Android Battery:)


上一篇:如何降低 Android 应用程序的功耗
下一篇:微软找到方法 可让手机导航定位服务降低耗电量.docx