串口Visualthecommunication | java书籍 2022-05-10 347 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书从编程实践的角度详细介绍了Windows环境和DOS环境下串口通信的基本方法,并根据目前串口与网络结合的发展趋势,介绍了串口与网络结合的TCP/某些解决方案和编程点的 IP、远程控制和监控。由于详细的编程步骤,Visual C++/C 初学者(即使以前从未接触过Visual C++)也可以快速用Visual C++ 编写串行通信程序。本书配有光盘,书中示例源程序及相关资料可在相应章节文件夹中找到。

(From the perspective of programming practice, this book introduces in detail the basic methods of serial communication in Windows environment and DOS environment, and introduces the TCP / some solutions of the combination of serial port and network and the IP, remote control and monitoring of programming points according to the current development trend of the combination of serial port and network. Due to the detailed programming steps, Visual C + + / C beginners (even if they have never been in contact with Visual C + +) can quickly write serial communication programs with Visual C + +. This book is equipped with CD-ROM. the sample source program and relevant materials in the book can be found in the corresponding chapter folder.
This book is an excellent reference for technicians and learners engaged in serial port and network communication. It can also be used as an auxiliary textbook for data communication courses.)

