JAVASCRIPTperformance性能and | java书籍 2022-05-01 262 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书着重于提高JavaScript脚本程序的加载速度和响应速度,并提供了大量的性能测量方法和工具。 更重要的是,读者可以使用这些方法和工具来提高 JavaScript 脚本代码的效率并定义最佳性能实践。 ,以改进应用程序的工作方式。
Firebug.YSlow、Webpagetest等实用的监控分析工具; 使用 WebPagetest、PHP 和 R 跟踪 Web 性能;
创建一个 JavaScript 库来对运行时性能进行基准测试; 优化浏览器的运行时性能。

(This book focuses on improving the loading speed and response speed of JavaScript script programs, and provides a large number of performance measurement methods and tools. More importantly, readers can use these methods and tools to improve the efficiency of JavaScript script code and define best performance practices, To improve how the application works.Book highlights:Methods and techniques for applying performance best practices and quantifying results;Firebug. Yslow, webpagetest and other practical monitoring and analysis tools; Use webpagetest, PHP and R to track web performance;Create a JavaScript library to benchmark runtime performance; Optimize browser runtime performance.)

