重构and本书代码 | 软件工程 2022-05-01 294 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
这本书清楚地揭示了重构过程,解释了重构的原则和最佳实践,并展示了何时何地开始挖掘代码以进行改进。 本书介绍了 70 多个可行的重构,每一个都介绍了经过验证的代码转换方法的动机和技术。 本书中介绍的重构指南将帮助您一次一小步地更改代码,从而降低开发过程中的风险。

(This book clearly reveals the refactoring process, explains the principles and best practices of refactoring, and shows when and where to start mining code for improvement. This book introduces more than 70 feasible refactorings, each of which introduces the motivation and technology of proven code conversion methods. The refactoring guidelines introduced in this book will help you change your code one small step at a time, thereby reducing the risk in the development process.This book is suitable for software developers and project managers. It can also be used as a reference for teachers and students of computer science and related majors in Colleges and universities.)


上一篇:云计算宝典 技术与实践-中文版.pdf
下一篇:我编程,我快乐-程序员职业规划之道 .pdf