JavaScriptWeband技术 | 软件工程 2022-05-01 278 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书结合了Web 2.0以来Web开发领域的最新情况和特点,介绍了网站性能问题的现状。改进或解决性能问题的原因,以及原则、技术技能和最佳实践。关注网页的行为特征,讲解Ajax、CSS、JavaScript、Flash、图像处理等元素优化技术,全面涵盖浏览器端性能问题的方方面面。在本书中,作者给出了14条具体的优化原则,每条都有实例支持,并提供在线支持。本书内容丰富,主要包括减少HTTP请求、边缘计算技术、Expires Header技术、gzip组件、CSS和JavaScript最佳实践、主页内联、域最小化、JavaScript优化、避免重定向的技巧、去除重复的技巧JavaScript 、关闭ETag 的技巧、Ajax 缓存技术和最小化技术等。本书适合Web 架构师、信息架构师、Web 开发人员和产品经理阅读和参考。

(This book combines the latest situation and characteristics in the field of web development since Web 2.0, and introduces the current situation of website performance problems. Reasons for improving or solving performance problems, as well as principles, technical skills and best practices. Pay attention to the behavior characteristics of web pages, explain the element optimization technologies such as Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, flash and image processing, and comprehensively cover all aspects of browser performance problems. In this book, the author gives 14 specific optimization principles, each with example support and online support. This book is rich in content, mainly including reducing HTTP requests, edge computing technology, expires header technology, gzip components, CSS and JavaScript best practices, home page inline, domain minimization, JavaScript optimization, skills to avoid redirection, skills to remove duplication, skills to close Etag, AJAX caching technology and minimization technology. This book is suitable for web architects, information architects, web developers and product managers.)

