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设计模式pattern模式JavaScript | java书籍 2022-04-30 277 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
这本书有两个部分。第一部分给出了实现特定设计模式所需的面向对象特性的基本知识,主要包括接口、封装和信息隐藏、继承、单一模式。第二部分重点介绍各种具体的设计模式及其在JavaScript语言中的应用,主要介绍工厂模式、桥接模式、组合模式、门面模式等几种常见的模式。为了使每章中的示例尽可能贴近实际应用,本书还列出了 JavaScript 程序员最常见的一些任务,然后使用设计模式使他们的解决方案更模块化、更高效、更易于维护。更理论的例子被用来说明某些观点。

(The book has two parts. The first part gives the basic knowledge of the object-oriented features needed to implement a specific design pattern, mainly including interface, encapsulation, information hiding, inheritance and single pattern. The second part focuses on various specific design patterns and their application in JavaScript language. It mainly introduces several common patterns, such as factory pattern, bridge pattern, combination pattern, facade pattern and so on. In order to make the examples in each chapter as close to the practical application as possible, the book also lists some of the most common tasks of JavaScript programmers, and then uses design patterns to make their solutions more modular, more efficient and easier to maintain. More theoretical examples are used to illustrate some points.This book is suitable for web front-end developers at all levels to read and refer to, as well as server-side programmers with C + + / Java / c# background.)

