JavaScriptTheprogramminglanguage | java书籍 2022-04-30 264 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
JavaScript 语言一直在稳步发展:速度不快,但从未停止。 在过去的十年中,JavaScript 的形象已经从一种简单的玩具语言发展成为一种备受推崇的编程语言,S界各地的公司和开发人员都使用它来构建令人难以置信的应用程序。 现代 JavaScript 编程语言一如既往地稳固、健壮和实用
难以置信的强大。 本书中的大部分讨论将说明为什么现代 HJaVaScTIp0TH 和 Pn 如此明显不同。 本章所提到的剑术概念,是从野界八卦小说中脱胎而出的,我们会看到,成员的认同推动了他们的应用升华,最终形成了今天的格局。 好吧,事不宜迟,让我们看看会发生什么
什么是现代 JavaScript 编程。

(The JavaScript language has been developing steadily: it's not fast, but it never stops. Over the past decade, the image of JavaScript has evolved from a simple toy language to a highly respected programming language, which is used by companies and developers around the world to build incredible applications. Modern JavaScript programming languages are as solid, robust and practical as everIncredibly powerful. Most of the discussion in this book will explain why modern hjavasctip0th and PN are so obviously different. The concept of fencing mentioned in this chapter is born out of wild gossip novels. We will see that the recognition of members has promoted their application and sublimation, and finally formed today's pattern. Well, it's not too late. Let's see what happensWhat is modern JavaScript programming.)

