软件工程 2022-04-30 241 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
JavaScript 曾经是“世界上最容易被误解的语言”,因为它承载了太多的特性,包括搞笑的交互和失败的设计,但随着 Ajax 的出现,JavaScript“从最被误解的编程语言演变为最流行的语言” 》,除了运气,也证明了它其实是一门好语言。在这本书中,Douglas Crockford 剥离了国外朋友对 JavaScript 的污点,提取了一个更可靠、可读性和可维护性更高的 JavaScript 子集。让你从语法、对象、函数、继承、数组、正则表达式、方法、风格、漂亮的特性,呈现语言的真正本质,通过它可以构建优雅高效的代码作者还通过附录列出了该语言的松弛和薄弱部分,并告诉你如何避免它们。最后介绍了JSLint。通过它的che ck-in,它可以有效地保护我们代码的质量。
这是一本关于 JavaScript 语言本质的权威书籍,值得任何正在或计划开发 JavaScript 的人阅读。它需要一遍又一遍地阅读。只有学习、理解和实践大师的思想,我们才能站在巨人的肩膀上,才有机会超越大师。这本书是开始。

(JavaScript was once "the most misunderstood language in the world" because it carries too many features, including funny interaction and failed design. However, with the emergence of Ajax, JavaScript "evolved from the most misunderstood programming language to the most popular language". In addition to luck, it also proves that it is actually a good language. In this book, Douglas Crockford stripped away the stains of foreign friends on JavaScript and extracted a subset of JavaScript with higher reliability, readability and maintainability. It allows you to present the real essence of the language from syntax, objects, functions, inheritance, arrays, regular expressions, methods, styles and beautiful features. Through it, you can build elegant and efficient code. The author also lists the relaxation and weak parts of the language through the appendix and tells you how to avoid them. Finally, jslint is introduced. Through its check in, it can effectively protect the quality of our code.This is an authoritative book on the essence of JavaScript language, which is worth reading by anyone who is developing or planning to develop JavaScript. It needs to be read over and over again. Only by learning, understanding and practicing the master's thoughts can we stand on the shoulders of giants and have the opportunity to surpass the master. This book is the beginning.)

