theand结束语感谢 | 软件工程 2022-04-29 226 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
从今年年初第一次接触极客时代的编辑,到本月底专栏正式结束,已经过去了将近7个月。 在这段旅程中,有痛苦和喜悦,有迷茫和清晰,有迷茫和顿悟,有挫折和进步。

(Nearly seven months have passed since the first contact with the editor of the geek era at the beginning of this year and the official end of the column at the end of this month. In this journey, there are pain and joy, confusion and clarity, confusion and epiphany, frustration and progress.Anyway, first of all, thank you - thank you for your support for me and this column. Thank you very much,I'll talk to you about my family's affairs in the beginning and end of the article.)


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