and对象bookobject | 软件工程 2022-04-29 251 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书通过大量实例介绍了JavaSript的基础知识和实际应用,使读者可以按部就班地系统掌握JavaSerip客户端编程技术。全书共分为9章,分别介绍了JavaSeript 语言基础JavaSripl对象、Javaeript事件处理、文档对象﹑窗口与浏览器、表单对象、链接与图像、DHTMLL基础以及 DHIML.应用。

(This book introduces the basic knowledge and practical application of javasript through a large number of examples, so that readers can systematically master javaserip client programming technology step by step. The book is divided into nine chapters, which respectively introduces the basis of JavaScript language, javasripl object, javaeript event processing, document object, window and browser, form object, link and image, DHTML basis and dhiml Application.With rigorous structure and rich content, this book is suitable for web designers at all levels to learn and use, and can be used as a reference book for relevant courses or training.)

