软件工程 2022-04-28 262 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
您之前已经看到了新的 HTTP/2 和 HTTP/3 协议,并了解了它们的特性和工作原理。 如果你前几天在《安全篇》中接触过HTTPS,你可能又会有疑问了:
与各大浏览器“强制”HTTPS不同,HTTP/2的公布可谓“毫不意外”。 虽然是 HTTP 协议的重大升级,但苹果、谷歌等科技巨头支持的资源还不如 HTTPS。
直到今天,HTTP/2 在互联网上仍然处于“不温不火”的状态。 虽然很多网站都升级到了HTTP/2,但普及速度远不及HTTPS。
那么,您自然会有这样的疑问,升级到 HTTP/2 能获得多少好处? 这值得么”?

(This lecture is the last lecture of flying sky. We have almost finished all the knowledge of HTTP.You have seen the new http / 2 and HTTP / 3 protocols before, and understand their characteristics and working principle. If you were exposed to HTTPS in security a few days ago, you may have questions again:"I just made great efforts to upgrade to HTTPS. This is another http / 2. Do you need to upgrade again?"Http / 2 is different from http / 2. Although it is a major upgrade of HTTP protocol, the resources supported by technology giants such as apple and Google are not as good as HTTPS.Until today, http / 2 is still in a "tepid" state on the Internet. Although many websites have been upgraded to http / 2, the popularity is far less than HTTPS.Then, you will naturally have such questions. How much benefit can you get from upgrading to http / 2? Is it worth it "?)


上一篇:未来之路:HTTP 3展望.pdf